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Problem: The WYSIWYG editor is not shown when adding content for a non-administration role.

Solution:  Use the Permissions tab for people.  The role must have following permissions checked as well as any other permissions that you wish to assign.  See the sample permission table below for the role “Author”.

  • View the administration theme
  • Access the administrative overlay (optional)




Primary tabs

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Permissions let you control what users can do and see on your site. You can define a specific set of permissions for each role. (See the Roles page to create a role). Two important roles to consider are Authenticated Users and Administrators. Any permissions granted to the Authenticated Users role will be given to any user who can log into your site. You can make any role the Administrator role for the site, meaning this will be granted all new permissions automatically. You can do this on the User Settings page. You should be careful to ensure that only trusted users are given this access and level of control of your site.

Permissionadministratorauthorauthenticated useranonymous user
Administer of Bible
The administor of bible.
Access Bible content
Users can access bible content.
Administer blocks
Administer comments and comment settings
View comments
Post comments
Skip comment approval
Edit own comments
Contextual links
View the administrative dashboard
Customizing the dashboard requires the Administer blocks permission.
View Repeating Dates
Allow user to see a page with all the times a date repeats.
Administer text formats and filters
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Use the Full HTMLtext format
Warning: This permission may have security implications depending on how the text format is configured.
Use the Filtered HTMLtext format
Warning: This permission may have security implications depending on how the text format is configured.
Administer IMCE
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer image styles
Create and modify styles for generating image modifications such as thumbnails.
Administer menus and menu items
Administer Mollom-protected forms and Mollom settings
Bypass Mollom protection on forms
View Mollom statistics
Bypass content access control
View, edit and delete all content regardless of permission restrictions. Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer content types
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer content
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Access the content overview page
Get an overview of all content.
View published content
View own unpublished content
View content revisions
Revert content revisions
Delete content revisions
Announcement: Create new content
Announcement: Edit own content
Announcement: Edit any content
Announcement: Delete own content
Announcement: Delete any content
Article: Create new content
Article: Edit own content
Article: Edit any content
Article: Delete own content
Article: Delete any content
Calendar Entry: Create new content
Calendar Entry: Edit own content
Calendar Entry: Edit any content
Calendar Entry: Delete own content
Calendar Entry: Delete any content
Photo Folder: Create new content
Photo Folder: Edit own content
Photo Folder: Edit any content
Photo Folder: Delete own content
Photo Folder: Delete any content
Basic page: Create new content
Basic page: Edit own content
Basic page: Edit any content
Basic page: Delete own content
Basic page: Delete any content
Pastor’s Notes: Create new content
Pastor’s Notes: Edit own content
Pastor’s Notes: Edit any content
Pastor’s Notes: Delete own content
Pastor’s Notes: Delete any content
Access the administrative overlay
View administrative pages in the overlay.
Administer URL aliases
Create and edit URL aliases
Use search
Administer shortcuts
Select any shortcut set
From all shortcut sets, select one to be own active set. Without this permission, an administrator selects shortcut sets for users.
Administer modules
Administer site configuration
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer themes
Administer software updates
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer actions
Use the administration pages and help
Use the site in maintenance mode
View the administration theme
View site reports
Block IP addresses
Administer vocabularies and terms
Edit terms in Tags
Delete terms from Tags
Use the administration toolbar
Administer permissions
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer users
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
View user profiles
Change own username
Cancel own user account
Note: content may be kept, unpublished, deleted or transferred to the Anonymous user depending on the configured user settings.
Select method for cancelling own account
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Administer views
Access the views administration pages. Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
Bypass views access control
Bypass access control when accessing views. Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications.
XML sitemap
Administer XML sitemap settings.