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File Location for MySQL Database

Files which define tables and views for a MySQL database are located in: /var/lib/mysql/<database name>

Windows 7 Hosts File

The network “hosts” file for Windows 7 is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


Problem: The WYSIWYG editor is not shown when adding content for a non-administration role. Solution:  Use the Permissions tab for people.  The role must have… Read More »WYSIWYG Editor

JSON Multi-Dimensional Array

This page shows an example JSON multi-dimensional array. {    “customer_name”: “Dave Schneider”,    “address1”: “2205 W Oakwood”,    “address2”: “”,    “city”: “Oxford”,    “state”: “MI”,    “zip”: “48361”,    “email”:… Read More »JSON Multi-Dimensional Array